About Me
Meet Lainey
“Thank you for learning more about me and what a kidney donation would do for my family. ”
My name is Lainey Barry. I am a 55-year-old a wife and mother of 5 children and grandmother to three grandsons. I was born in Worcester MA where I spent the first 7 years of my life. I have spent most of my life in Leominster, MA. My husband and I have raised our children here in Leominster. My husband has worked in his family’s business his entire working life. It was especially important to my husband that our children not be raised in daycare. So, I am fortunate enough to have been able to have been a stay-at-home mom most of my children’s’ lives. I did however go back to school and graduated with a Human Service degree.
We have had the pleasure of seeing all our children graduate high school and most go on to college and graduate and right now we are enjoying watching their lives unfold and all our years of hard work and dedication to our family pay off.
I was recently placed on the transplant list as I have a genetic kidney disease called PKD and have kidneys that are functioning at about 20%. So far, all my blood work looks good. Besides my overall function, I am doing well considering. I take daily medication to control blood pressure. I have been on other medications to help manage the disease, but I have had reactions to the medication, and I am unable to take them. So, I take each day as it comes, listen to my body, rest when I need to and try to eat well. Other than some fatigue I feel well. I am not on dialysis yet and hope not to have to go on dialysis. Although, I am educating myself on the different kinds of dialysis so that it will not overwhelm me if I must go that route for a period of time.
I am blood type A+ and I can accept an organ from A or O blood types. I am also considering paired donation. Paired donation is done when I have a donor who does not match me and therefore cannot donate to me but will donate on my behalf. We will then be matched with a pair who are in the same situation and my donor will match the other person and their donor will match me.
Besides dealing with anxiety and occasional panic attacks, I am in good health. The process of getting listed was quite easy for me as I always keep up on my health and cancer screenings etc. So that saved me a lot of running around and playing catch up.
Because many in my family have spent so many years waiting for a deceased donor, I know the best-case scenario as far as time and health of the organ is to find a living donor. I am told that living donor kidneys often last much longer than a deceased donor. And having a kidney transplant is my best chance at being able to see my grandchildren grow up. I hope to be blessed enough to live a long life just like my Auntie.
My Kidney Disease
I have a genetic kidney disease
called PKD and have kidneys that are functioning at about 20%.
Donations from A or O Blood Types
I am blood type A+ and I can accept an organ from A or O blood types.
Paired Donation
Paired donation is done when I have a donor who does not match me and therefore cannot donate to me but will donate on my behalf. We will then be matched with a pair who are in the same situation and my donor will match the other person and their donor will match me.
Learn More About My Family History
Kidney Donation is a careful consideration. Please learn more about my family history.
“I know the best-case scenario as far as time and health of the organ is to find a living donor.”